
Are you enjoying my blog and wish to buy me drink or sponsor my expenses for this website? This page will tell you how you could do this.

Why do I have this donation page?

My blog exists for some time now and I regularly receive feedback from people appreciating my articles. I even have people asking me how to help me out with my site once in a while. My blog primarily exists to share knowledge and it will always be free. However, it does cost me money to maintain and host it so I like the fact there are people wanting to help out or wishing to buy me a coffee or a beer :)


In order to place a donation, use one of the suggestions below or visit this link: Leave your Twitter handle as a note if you want, so I can thank you on this platform!

Things just work better with coffee. I often write my articles in a local cafe and this is the price of one large cappuccino.€3,25
Listening to podcasts and audiobooks while commuting makes the time go faster and it keeps my knowledge up-to-date.€7,50
One month of hosting for my site.€16,95
Create your own reason and let me know!€TBD

Cover photo by Wil Stewart